Who do Personal Injury Attorneys Target on a Case?
It’s not every day that you think about suing someone or filing a lawsuit. It usually takes extreme measures like insurmountable hospital bills, a totaled or severely damaged vehicle, or lost wages for a person to pursue action. And even then, it can be hard, as some people are not wanting to sue an individual.
However, it’s important to note the following when dealing with a personal injury case:
It is exceedingly rare for an attorney to want to pursue legal action against an individual.
The attorney will rather be filing the lawsuit agains the other party’s insurance agency, a manufacturer, a retailer, another company, or a combination of the aforementioned entities. The fact of the matter is that you don’t have to worry about suing the person who hit you, the manager of the store where you were injured, or the nice old lady who’s house you fell in.
Chances are that the insurance agency or company that has been sued will try to reach a settlement agreement and offer the lowest amount possible. They are banking on the fact that they can out-negotiate you and that you will settle for less than you deserve.
They may tell you things like you were the person at fault for the accident, that you won’t be able to prove anything in court, or even that your physician’s assessment isn’t good enough. This is why it’s so important to have an experience attorney on your side. Not only will you not have to pay them out of pocket whether you win or lose the case, but they can do the negotiations for you and increase the settlement amount. If an agreement can’t be met, they will also have the experience and knowledge necessary to take your case to court.
Without one, this could spell the end of your claim.
There is another factor to consider when working with an attorney on your case. When you’re dealing with insurance and claims adjusters, if you have a reputable firm in your corner, you have a much higher chance of getting the compensation you deserve. An insurance agency or other large company will think twice about picking a fight that will eventually cost them more in legal fees than a claim may be worth.
The key takeaway here is that when it comes to personal injury cases, don’t be concerned about suing a person to get the compensation you deserve.
If you are involved in a personal injury case, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Geoff Rill can help.
Contact us today for your free consultation.